ada deadline pergi ke suatu tempat, eh tiba2 ujan turun..
Calm down, Say to your self>>It's not a big deal !!
terkadang muncul perasaan minder, nggak bisa apa2, nggak bisa kayak orang2 hebat..
Calm down, Say to your self>>It's not a big deal !!
ngelihat orang idupnya enak, makan tinggal pilih, pergi tinggal gas mobil, pokoknya smua bisa dibeli..
Calm down, Say to your self>>It's not a big deal !!
When you found the thing which make you go back..
Calm down, Say to your self>> It's not a big deal !!
Calm down, Say to your self>> It's not a big deal !!
"You have to follow your positive suggestion, and be your self for good or ill" F_Hanna 2013
Watch the detail! is it 'sugestion' with two 's' or one ?
BalasHapushaha It's not a big deal
BalasHapus'suggestion' with two 'G' and one 'S'. I have replaced